Hi Danny, thanks for taking time out of your schedule to speak with us. Would you mind introducing yourself and your business to our readers.
Hi, I’m Danny Glotter from HeyLife. Our company’s focus is to help combat the effects of forgetfulness & help our users stay on top of things.
That sounds like something that could help many of us live more productive lives! How does HeyLife make this happen?
When it comes to remembering important things and being “on it”, we can all use someone who has our back. HeyLife developed an integrated active reminder and digital calendar app as a way to help fight forgetfulness (a problem we all face) so we never forget another important thing.
Our app specifically considers the older adult user. The user-friendly HeyLife Calendar was designed with a familiar look and feel of stationery - paper-like designs and “post-it” style reminder notes. The experience is highly intuitive, which helps remove barriers of digital literacy. There are already tens of thousands of people using and loving the free HeyLife Calendar.
In addition to the beautifully designed, easy-to-use, personalised HeyLife Calendar, there will soon be another part to the app - the “On It!” Reminder tab - which we believe will revolutionise the idea of “reminder” apps. This tab will help users stay on top of things with reminders suggested by HeyLife and perfected by the user. On It! will contain unique reminder “buckets” categorising user-valued segments such as Health, Medications, Bills, Payments, Maintenance, Special Days (birthdays, anniversaries, memorials) and other Family Things, helping to ensure a user never forgets an(other) important thing. The third tab, MyDay, is a unique personalised canvas that ties together the Calendar tab and On-It tabs. It is intended to support daily proactive consumption of life and will contain fun facts, daily weather and information on upcoming events and reminders.
Thanks for providing so much detail around how HeyLife works – it looks like you’ve got everything covered! Can you tell us a little about the background of HeyLife?
For years I’d been very interested in the ageing market. I wanted to find a way to make a positive impact. With a mission of doing good in mind, after selling my company, and in the middle of the COVID pandemic, I formed a research team. Together we conducted hundreds of interviews and thousands of surveys with ageing experts, seniors, and their families.
Again and again Forgetfulness & Loneliness came up as key pains the ageing market was experiencing. Post-pandemic, we are seeing issues surrounding forgetfulness have been amplified.
We realised there was a real need to help the older population find a way to plan better, remember easier, and actively consume life from anywhere. We understood that the central component of seniors’ most commonly mentioned needs could be supported through an innovative digital calendar that was uniquely created with seniors in mind and could serve as an infrastructure for fighting forgetfulness in a unique way.
And is HeyLife a live product available now?
HeyLife’s Calendar was launched as a prototype in July 2022 in English for US users. Today the app is available in many countries and in multiple languages. We continue to seek active user feedback to make sure the new features and capabilities we are adding are what users want. As of the beginning of 2023, we have tens of thousands of users who are loving using their HeyLife Calendar.
The first versions of the On-It & MyDay capabilities are scheduled to release in the next couple of months.
Thanks again for your time, we look forward to seeing you at Longevitech!
You can learn more about HeyLife at https://heylife.app/.
Longevitech TLV 2023 takes place across 13th – 14th February.